Dan Visits New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

Careers & Coffee: Building your online brand

SEOMERS isn't just about marketing. We are a company that wants to work with and help the local community.

What's it like to run a business while running a charity? Kayleigh Norris from New Anglia local enterprise partnership wanted to find out.

Dan, our founder is well known for speaking about mental health. He started a mental health charity called MANUP? back in 2019 as an event. Due to COVID, the event couldn't happen in 2020. Dan changed his focus by turning MANUP? into a CIO/Charity (awaiting approval). He started a rapidly growing video community on Facebook that talks to men about mental health and related topics.

Kayleigh asked Dan to join a chat something called 'Careers & Coffee interview' which is watched by students. We spoke about running a business, living with an online world & why Dan started MANUP?.

It was a great chat.


More about the Careers & Coffee by New Anglia Enterprise Adviser Network

The New Anglia Enterprise Adviser Network is a national programme being delivered at a local level across Norfolk and Suffolk, recruiting senior business leaders to work voluntarily with secondary schools and colleges as ‘Enterprise Advisers’. Enterprise Advisers work strategically with senior leaders in schools and colleges, supporting them to develop and enhance their business engagement plans. The aim, to improve the quality and consistency of careers, work-related & enterprise education delivered to students and to broker activities with businesses and enterprise providers. The volunteers will bring their wealth of knowledge and experience of the world of work to help develop a comprehensive action plan for careers education, fully supporting young people between 11 and 18 years old.

The New Anglia Enterprise Adviser Programme has been developed from Lord Young’s ‘Enterprise for All’ report which highlighted the importance of “motivating young people to learn and excel in their education…to see the relevance of their studies”. With support from the national Careers and Enterprise Company, the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership working through its partners in Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils is delivering this national programme across the East.




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